Alle Kommentare von TexasAggie

218 Kommentare

01.05.2010 18:57

www.Treffen am Mittwoch (02.06.2010)
- Stonedhammer + Theusedmoni
- masterofdisaster666
- slowdeath
- Emperor
- Stiflers_Mom
- thecoon
- Chainz
- Nikrox
- foreverfree
- madsteven
- cyberwiesel
- GraveDog
- Kes & Topf
- Angel of Death
- Schiri 181
- Simó
- Chickso
- maniac2084
- Hans-Maulwurf-Rockt ( Hoffe das es endlich mal klappt )
- buether (@hansi: wehe wenn nicht!)
- taker666 (in der hoffnung dass mich jemand aufm campingplatz mitnimmt)
- octi
- Kukka (wenn es klappt)
- Limbo13 & David
- SaschaXPI
- Michel666
- ice-dk + komplett Humppa con Panhas + einige Freunde
- mariii
- nevermind2706 (hoff es klappt endlich mal )
- ela190179 + prostetnik
- Goauld
- TexasAggie und Soto (spaet, muss erst zu Hause von Kollege in Nuerburg besuchen und Zelt aufbauen ja)

www.Treffen am Donnenrstag (03.06.2010)
- Stonedhammer + Theusedmoni
- masterofdisaster666
- Stiflers_Mom
- thecoon
- foreverfree
- madsteven
- cyberwiesel
- Simó
- Chickso
- Hans-Maulwurf-Rockt ( Hoffe das es endlich mal klappt )
- buether
- Kukka
- octi
- Limbo13 & David
- Michel666 (mal gucken wie es mir da geht)
- ice-dk mit Teilen von Humppa con Panhas
- mariii
- nevermind2706 (hoff es klappt endlich mal )
- ela190179 + prostetnik
- Goauld
- TexasAggie und Soto (5. Jahre Jubilaeum seit wir uns getroffen haben)

www.Proberaumgewinner-Treffen (0X.06.2010) [dabei egal wann es ist]
- Stonedhammer + Theusedmoni
- thecoon
- Chainz
- madsteven
- cyberwiesel
- GraveDog
- Kes & Topf
- Angel of Death
- Simó( abhängig von der Spielzeit)
- Chickso
- buether
- octi
- ice-dk mit Teilen von Humppa con Panhas
- Goauld

Donnerstag wenn ichs pack!
Ich bin auch einer www.wanderung nicht abgeneigt!

01.05.2010 18:38

Was machen wir nächstes Jahr noch besseR?
- Partyzelt in die Mitte
- ein richtiges Smorland für den kleinen Elli bauen
- Flunkyball-Feld !

Was wir unbedingt wieder brauchen
- Gemeinschaftskasse
- Teppiche im Pavillon,
- Holz,
- Kohle,
- Alk
- Traktor
- Gurken(wasser)
- Looping Louie

Dinge, die jeder selbst mitbringen sollte
- Stühle
- Tische
- Verlängerungskabel / Stromverteiler
- Schnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaps !!!

Dinge, die wir über eine Gemeinschaftskasse kaufen sollten
- Teppichboden zum Auslegen der Pavillon
- Feuerholz
- Grillkohle
- Grillanzünder
- Schnapsbecher
- Stromanschlüsse

Wer bringt was mit
- Zelt (unbekannt-1985)
- Tischkicker (unbekannt-1985)
- Gemeinschafts-Schwenkgrill (unbekannt-1985, 2x cyberwiesel)
- Stromadapter (2x Cyberwiesel, 1x Kes & Topf)
- Musik (unbekannt-1985)
- Looping Louie (RIFF)
- Bierspiel / Wasserbomben / Gurkenglas (Blume)
- PlitschPlatschPinguin / Lebensmittelfarbstifte (Sand)

Fläche6 (reserviert):


Anreise Dienstag
(wer früh anreist, sollte beim aufbau des gemeinschaftszeltes, sowie putzen des bodens mithelfen!)
- Cyberwiesel [+], Briddi, Tizzi (+2)
- Elli
- Kes [+]& Topf [+] (abends)
- masterofdisaster666 [+] (abends)
- prostetnik, ela190179 & rapante
- musashi, Dark Phoenix, Starfighter, schReiner, RIFF (evtl. +1) - Noch nicht ganz sicher aber wahrscheinlich
- Omi [+](plus Nachzüglerin [+]) am Samstag, abends nach der Arbeit

Anreise Mittwoch
- Blume [+], Sand [+] (Dienstag Nacht / Mittwoch Früh)
- madsteven [+] (vormittags)
- Limbo13 & David (nachmittags)
- Schleicher[+] (mittags oder nachmittags)
- Bumann, Marcus, Markus, _made_, Sacha (nachmittags)
- Pottzilla (nachmittags mit der Bu'schen Reisegruppe!!!)
- Chi-Chi, Kampfschildkroete
- TexasAggie und Soto (mit riesen Zelt .. ihr erinnert oder?) (Aber ohne Auto, Kollege aus Nuerburg faehrt uns hin, wie kommen wir wieder nach Hause lol???)

Anreise Donnerstag
- Cathy

Anreise Freitag

Anreise noch nicht klar
- ElMesRock
- Hugo, TomWithNoNick und Anika (und hoffentlich dasUBS)
- adie80
- VVeGa, Maupka
- Akira, Shakira
- unbekannt-1985, PinkJeans ( Anreise keine ahnung , da Sandra da ihr ABI feiert)
- Silas77
- Shiddy McNasty
- NUMBER II , AudioslaveLis +1
- Letric + Potzilinchen
- Noel, Brille77 +1
- Octi (Spätzünder)

Special Guests: Falschparker(Thorsten), Nightcrawler(Nic), Pflanzle72(Stefan), Flatterling(Katja), +2 (Silke, Stepsi), evtl. noch Mittelfinger(David),
61+7 ( Fläche ist voll!)

Fläche7 oder in der Nähe... (um Zelt- und Parkplatz muss sich selbstständig gekümmert werden)
- HAO & dahero
- moersel + 1
- yokoho
- Franziska
- mariii + 6
- Droog, Rigobert, Mirko +2

Gemeinschaftskasse 2010
- Anfangsbestand nach RaR 2009 86,05€
- 2 Schwenkgrills aus dem Supersonderangebot bei Kodi -30,00€
- Beiträge Gemeinschaftskasse bis jetzt 40,00€
- Aktueller Bestand 106,05€

Die nächsten Beiträge für die Gemeinsachaftskasse sind angekommen, weiter so

Okays Angemeldet, wir zahlen unser Geld auch heute keine Sorgen Herbie!

Und WHOOOOOO fuer Alex!

Zitat anzeigen

05.04.2010 21:32


Wir waren wieder geloescht zwischen

17:52 Uhr


11:53 Uhr

Ich arbeite ca. 80Std./Woche ja .. ich arbeite, schlafe, kacke, esse, und das war es. Ich habe keine Zeit wie vor ein Paar Jahren, 5-6 Std. pro Tag am Ringrocker zu hocken.

Jochen, nein der Knirps ist nicht unsere, ist Internetphoto, Pfandfrei Aeppler hoert so lecker wie den Preis

24.02.2010 20:43

Ummm warum waren wir auch nicht auf der Liste

David hat schon letztes Jahr in Juni gesagt das wir kommen werden

16.02.2010 19:05

-2 Randy and Sonja dont have tickets

Stupid wife made me wait 6 weeks to buy them after I wanted to and now there are no more tickets.

Then in her brilliance, she bought tickets to Rock im Park .. supposedly accidentally.

I refuse to go to Rock im Park and Im super pissed off with her.

Fucking fun time for me!

01.01.2010 16:56

Yeah I was confused the first time I visited Germany too.

Rock am Ring is at the Nuerburgring and Rock im Park is in Nuerburg, to understand that Nuerburg and Nuernberg arent the same thing was my first challenge.

Also this is clearly a Rock am Ring forum here so the information provided will be decidedly skewed towards Rock am Ring.

I have been to Nuernberg several times and the Zeppelinfeld in Nuernberg is where all of the NSDAP rallies were in the past, the Germans are slowly and although they wont say it, deliberately letting these grounds become ruins, Rock im Park accelerates this process.

Also its interesting to go see the Grosse Strasse on the other side of the Stadium, it is a parade street paved with hard stone, I believe that Albert Speer designed it as part of the Reichstadt architecture. The giant unfinished building that they use as a documentation storage these days was supposed to be a Partei Congress Hall .. all very interesting things that the Germans have now turned into peaceful and public use areas in order to erase their dubious past.

Of course as far as the festivals themselves are concerned, history lesson aside, I would go to Rock am Ring because of all the cool people from, they are a bunch of really open and cool people and especially David, one of the administrators is a really great guy. If it wasnt for David and the Ringrockers I wouldnt have met my wife

26.08.2007 21:07

Yeah the evening cost like at least 40 euros per person at least, without transportation. Sonja and I put out at least 120 euros together.

Sounds like I missed out making more funny pictures because of leaving early, oh well we needed to make it back to Aachen.

26.08.2007 15:08

We are not in a coma

We started to walk to the Hbf, but decided that it was probably too far and we might not find it in time (our train was leaving in 30 minutes) so we took a taxi, caught a train that was 45 mins late (for once DB being shit helped us) and got back to our little house in Rothe Erde just fine by about 330.

What did yall do after we left?

I woke up at like 9am, but I decided to sleep more as Sonja was asleep still and I thought to sweat out more of the alcohol.

Now after a croissant and coffee, a half of a super strong american aspirin and a shower Im doing quite well, at least as well as to be expected after a day of hard work around the house, running to the train here and then partying until late.

We will put up some pictures in a few minutes, most of them are funny. I look pretty drunk in many of them, but I dont think I was so drunk, Ive been much more drunk with Alex before and at RaR 2005 {thanks to Jochen} and I certainly was no where near how bad Henning was at RaR this year. If I was at home in Texas, I probably would have driven home and been fine.[addsig]

04.08.2007 12:28


- Droog
- Kaan
- Frosty
- Howdy
- Val

Cool deal Alex, glad that you got the ball rolling on this, it was pretty quick since your email the other day.

Also, How the hell are you doin Fred? Long time no see, hows Med school in Hungary?[addsig]

10.06.2007 23:46

Wir sind gerade ohne Internet immer noch. Wir werden etwa in 2-3 wochen online gehen und wir melden uns dann wieder.

Camping war super, vielen dank an Cyberwiesel das er uns mitgenommen hat! Wir muessen momentan leider noch per internet cafe online gehen, deswegen nur ne kurze "wir-leben-noch-Meldung"!

Gruesse an alle

Randy und Sonja[addsig]

22.05.2007 16:37

Yep, I come from Texas so I think that I win.

And Soto came with me from Canada and she flew down to Chicago to meet me, so that was extra distance travelled.

Together we certainly are the pair that travelled the farthest together.

22.05.2007 16:30

Im not sure that we can have country music day. Sven says that he is busy and wants me to bring my own music, but he told me 2 days before I left the states and I really dont have proper internet access or computer usage here in Germany yet.

I will do my best

04.05.2007 21:55

I was impressed by the quality of your british english Noel, good job on the two threads at the top, I only found a few instances that were a bit funny, but otherwise excellent job and probably better than most people in the underclasses of america. Certainly there are far worse examples of the english language on myspace or throughout the internet.

Of course if you lost the favourite, or rumour, we would be more in agreeance on the english used, naturally ;p

04.05.2007 21:47

Actually I carried a camping chair, sleeping bag, clothes, camera, food, books and enough stuff for 6 weeks in Germany in that setup last time I was there, there is no reason that you cant carry 4-5 days worth of stuff.

04.05.2007 21:45

I dont know why you feel you cant travel with everything. Get 2 backpacks, one for food on the front and one for clothes on the back.

Wear it like so

You can carry a sleeping bag and a tent on the backpack and enough food where you are ok, since you will probably buy most of your food and alcohol inside the festival area anyways. Then you save a lot of money on hotels and you dont waste so much good drinking and fun time on travel.[addsig]
