Alle Kommentare von TexasAggie

218 Kommentare

25.05.2005 13:31

I have a ticket to SoSi if anyone wishes to take me, otherwise I cannot go, and will not get the ticket.

A nice RR found me a ticket at normal price .. but if I dont have a ride from Bonn then I really cant go. So yes, if anyone going to southside will bring me Id really love you and pay you money ;p

Please PN me .. I have only rare access to computer in Germany.

21.05.2005 10:41

Obviously there at the end .. R2D2 and 3PO went on the ship with the Organna dude, and therefore came into the service of his adopted daughter Lea Organna, and therefore in Ep 4, they are running off her ship to find Obi , who they already knew.

It makes sense to me.

I thought it was the best of the first 3 as well, but still probably not as cool as any of the last 3, or Knights of the Old Republic I, video game.[addsig]

21.05.2005 10:31

Thank you for the response but I am unsure if I can go anywhere on 1. Juli .. I will be on an excursion through Bayern after 27. Mai or so.

I may end up going to paris .. I am unsure right now, my stupid study abroad is getting in teh way of my european vacation ;D

21.05.2005 10:23

Say RR Muellenbach folks .. I was talking to Alex (Droog) and I was wondering if I must buy a tent or what? It seems kinda silly now that I think about it, to buy a tent, when I might stay with a RR that has extra space?

Anyhow if no one tells me that I can, I will buy a tent in Bonn.

@David: It seems as though I might go to Hurricane instead. Southside is sold out

@Alex well man my plane leaves here in 6 hours, crazy stuff I will be in Bonn soon


12.05.2005 09:00

OHHHHH Hell yes! I saw this today .. I wish to go to one of these dates as well .. Pennywise is so damn awesome, if I could see Slayer, Flogging Molly and Pennywise all in the same summer this would be extra great. Only bands then Id miss is Bad Religion.

Lets see .. so I looked up where these places are .. and when I am in classes, and I dont think that I can go to the Greenfields one .. and Berlin is maybe too far from Bonn to go to that concert .. but maybe not. I am not sure what would be best, because I figure that Id have to go to the concert and get back before classes the next day.


12.05.2005 08:34

Good map David, I will be camping whereever Droog is camping with his friends, so there will be a group of us 4.

I think it would be most cool for everyone to camp at the same place, but maybe this is not possible ..

10.05.2005 12:22

Ok, so I didnt quite understand all of that, but LA would be maybe a cool place to live if you were rich, Im not sure Id want to visit there.

What I understand I think is that your friends are under 21 and you dont think you will be able to drink in America?

This is not a problem, most clubs will let you in at 18, and you just need to buy the drinks for your friends, as long as they arent like serious assholes. I do this for girls all the time.

Also of course whereever you are taking your language courses you could ask them if there are parties, I mean .. I plan to meet people in Bonn when I am there over the summer, and Im not sure they are as much party people as the people in LA will be.

So yeah .. if you need more information, there are multiple ways to contact me located in my profile.

I havent been to LA, but at least I understand how the US works. My friend Matthais is in California the past 3 weeks though.[addsig]

04.05.2005 09:39

Wann ich in Deutschland anreise, werde ich ein Handy von AIB in Bonn mieten und kaufe ein Fonkarte or however you say that ;p

So yeah you can reach me when I get to germany by phone ;p [addsig]

04.05.2005 09:20

Ich werde am Donnerstag abend/nacht anreisen. Hoeffentlich werde ich mit Annagy/Vicky von Koeln mitfahren. Ob sie konnen mich nicht mitbringen, werde ich nach Koblenz mit Zug fahren und komme nach RaR mit das "Shuttle", denke Ich.

Thats the idea anyhow as of now


30.04.2005 05:30

Yeah she pretty much covered why it would be best to stay in Germany and take her Abi.

Also of course, a cheaper american Uni .. public school is like $20.000 a year .. whereas a private Uni might be up to $45.000.

In Germany, this is FREE.

I however wouldnt say that the first year in American Uni is easier than the last year of Gymnasium .. maybe for stupid majors, but not for engineers. Only 20% of engineers make it past their first year.[addsig]

17.04.2005 10:04

Okay so Im back with questions.

I am trying to figure out how to get to southside for the least money.

I find that a train ticket from Bonn to Tuttlingen costs like 90 euros, and I found that flying to Zurich is like 70 euros round-trip. But then again Zurich is like 150km from Tuttlingen!

Ugh this is so frusterating, I just want to have fun and it looks like I will need to rent a car for both of those weekends or something.

Why does having fun have to cost so much money? ;p

Okay thats all I had to ask .. whats the best way to get there if you have no car ..

I havent checked rates on renting cars yet, but I suspect they are better than the train price or the airfare, so maybe Ill just rent a car for each of those weekends, and then fly to Prag when I go.

Thanks for any advise and it seems that I will be in Germany in 34 days.

Wow .. thats scary and exciting at the same time.[addsig]

10.04.2005 12:06

Who the hell would want to do it on Saturday !? we will all either be drunk and sleeping from Friday night .. or getting up to party more on Saturday ..

All the best bands play on Saturday . . this is the most cool day .. I will be at the concerts as soon as I wake up and get showered.

Thursday night is good, I will get there, I will meet RRs .. I will see who is cool and who isnt and make plans who I will spend time with for the weekend.

This is the best idea ..

As for where, well I dont know about that. I dont much care either, as soon as I get to where Alex and Spike and etc are at .. I will find the other RRs .. unless I am hungry .. then I will eat and carry a sausage in my mouth and find the RRs ;p[addsig]

05.04.2005 19:56

Welp Bowling for Soup is good in concert, the rest of the bands added just helps keep people away from good bands that I want to see.

I hope lots of people like crappy bands that are playing at the same time as bands I want to see that dont suck.

02.04.2005 10:43

When I come to RaR I would really like one that has the "TX" on the back.

That is the state symbol for Texas

I will buy this special ringrocker shirt .. instead of Zeltficker ..

02.04.2005 10:39

Yes Lis, girls do that too, often WITH their Fathers!

The Father comes and is so proud that their little girl gets their ring and puts his ring from the Uni in a pitcher and they both do it.

Before 1970 no women went to this Uni, as it was all men and all military, so only dads have rings, but soon many moms will too.

As for me, I rarely drink beer, I drank much vodka and 75.5% rum tonight.

29.03.2005 14:22


NoelGallagher schrieb:
Originally this thread deals with drinks you drinking right now but never mind that.

As far as your drinks are concerned: I prefer not to die from my drinks
I really appreciate surviving Rock Am Ring

Ahh well every Thursday I drink the first one, because Thursday is rum night.

However the 2nd one is for when you want to get really drunk and maybe not remember what you did. I will share with you Alex if you come to RaR

You will not die from these drinks, unless you think you have to drink a lot to get drunk. The key is getting a big glass of it and then drinking it over time, you feel really good and didnt have to drink so much alcohol and make yourself fat, like beer.

There is a song called The Everclear Song.. it is very good

29.03.2005 12:28

Oops stupid wide post, I run on low resolution, I couldnt see my edit button.

Oh well I will bring at least one bottle of each of the above drinks to Germany with me.

Since Ive been told that I would not be able to find such things around.

27.03.2005 11:22

@ Whisk

Maybe I am making a judgement on German emo people, but so far what Ive seen from German people is the same as their US kid counterparts.

It seems that "Emo" is the "in" thing right now and all the kids that want to be different, are all different together right now and are into emo.

You may notice these people by their lame sweatband on one arm, and then their sideways "trucker" hats, studded leather belts, and dickeys.

However these are the same people who had frosted hair and were all into pop a few years ago, and then Goth a few years before that. It might not be the same person, but it is the same "group" of people. Ohhhh we are so different from society .. kids wanting to be different but yet they are different the same way their friends are .. and that they go pick up "anti-trendy" clothes at a store in the Mall.

What I am saying is that I dont trust these to be "real" people, who go to these concerts and they have "polluted" the punk music that I love with acts such as Avril Lavigne .. Who is not punk, not even rock its just crap.

So when these "sissy" bands for girls call their concert tour "A Taste of Chaos" I can only laugh .. because obviously they have never been to a Mayhem or Cannibal Corpse concert to see actual chaos. Of course these little kiddles would be scared to go to such a concert. Oh yeah one last thing, I think that most of the people into death metal are just as fake as emo people, but Ill take an insane Death metal concert over a concert with a bunch of little girls any day.

That is all.

I just say if you talk big .. live it .. and I dont like trendy people that really have to buy all the latest accessories to get attention.

Oh yes, Im sorry for making such a long post in English, it seems that my english talking is getting annoying to some people, but dont worry I am going to cut back participation here.

24.03.2005 06:13

I fixed this, please dont be lazy! Klick Zitieren then Editiert sich the damn quote parts!

Groezrock, 30. April

RiotGrrrrl (hoffentlich irgendwie)

RockHard Festival, 13.-15. Mai


Rock am Ring, 3.-5. Juni

Desiree82 & Spike
stonedhammer & theusedmoni
Nöl Gallagher
Annagy (vielleicht...)
KuekenMcNugget (vielleicht)
Puppe Sturm

Rock im Park, 3.-5. Juni


Hurricane-Festival, 10.-12. Juni

Desiree82 & Spike
Nöl Gallagher (wahrscheinlich)
KuekenMcNugget (hoffentlich)

Southside-Festival, 10.-12. Juni

Ruud (entscheidet sich nach Bekanntgabe des genauen Prüfungstermins)
Puppe Sturm (steht aber noch nicht fest)

OpenAir St.Gallen, 01.-03. Juli


Böhse Onkelz -Abschiedskonzert 17.06 - 18.06

Oberholzklauer & Friends
AJ (wenn ich noch Karten bekommen sollte)

With Full Force, 01.-03. Juli

RiotGrrrrl (wahrscheinlich)

R(h)einkultur, 2. Juli

stonedhammer & theusedmoni?
RockerSchemm (evtl)
Urza (wenn nix dazwischen kommt)
RiotGrrrrl (vielleicht)
Gambrish & Bina (vllt. kommen wir mal gucken)
Octi (wenn ich wo pennen kann....thomas??)
Oberholzklauer & Friends
Puppe Sturm (denk da werd ich ma vorbeischaun wenn ich im Lande bin)

Trebur Openair (Ende Juli) 2005


Wacken Open Air , 4.-6. August

Urza (vllt.)

Haldern Pop 5./6. August

Puppe Sturm

Taubertal Festival , 12.-14. August

stonedhammer & theusedmoni
AJ (ganz vieleicht)

Summer Breeze, 18.-20. August


M'era Luna Festival, 13.-14. August

RiotGrrrl (ein Tag wahrscheinlich)
KoRnFlake (wieder vor der letzten Band von abreisenden Leuten das Bändchen nehmen und umsonst reingehen (wie vor 2 jahren bei Placebo)

Rock am See 27.August 2005

Load (je nach Bands)

Pressure Festival, Date tba

RiotGrrrl (vielleicht)

Traffic Jam Festival Dieburg (tbc), Date tba

theusedmoni & StonedHammer
RiotGrrrrl (vielleicht)
Puppe Sturm (ueberlegt, war doch lustig letztes jahr)

23.03.2005 06:40

So I will share with you guys some of my culture, because I am learning so much about German stuff here.

One of these events is when Aggies get their "Senior Ring." When we reach 95 Kurs-Stunde in Uni we are called "Senior" or 4th year. When this happens we go through this big process and pay like $600 to get our Uni ring.

This may seem strange to Germans who are maybe not as loyal to their Uni, but at my Uni and many in America, we are very loyal to our Uni.

Once you get your Senior Ring:

You then are expected to go drop your ring in a pitcher of beer .. your ring sits at the bottom and you must drink the entire pitcher as fast as you can without stopping to get your ring, this is called "Ring Dunking."

Here is a movie of "Ring Dunking."

Any time of around 20 seconds is pretty good time. We keep score amongst friends

