Alle Kommentare von vampkelly

11 Kommentare

25.03.2014 07:16

Hahaha thanks Kawa

Please can I clarify what exactly the official rule is?
1. I can take 1 litre of liquid I to the festival site in a Tetra Pak.
2. Does it have to be sealed?
3. Can it have the lid on?
4. Can it be alcohol or is it supposed to be a soft drink?
5. What is the rule re the lid?

Any other rules I should know about? 😁

Thanks all x

24.03.2014 10:21

Hi all, I am from England and will be coming to the festival for the first time this year. Firstly, I am confused about the concept of taking liquids in a Tetra Pak.

In the UK the only liquids we really have in Tetra Paks is Fruit Juice and milk!

Do German supermarkets sell alcohol in Tetra Paks?
