Hi, ich bin Flapmeth41
4.606 Tage dabei 05.10.2011
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counterdoggefällt das

Flapmeth41 hat kommentiert

03.01.2017 14:29 Uhr

I was at Rar in 2012, Rip '14, '15, '16.

The mainstage of RAR was horrible, but i liked the 2nd and 3th stage. Rip has some problems with the 3th stage (missed 5 bands so far because of a filled hall) and heard some stories about the second stage in combination with big headliners. (Limb bizkit, Deichkind, Slipknot). The walk to the festival is around the same length in my opinion. Camping @ rar is more fun, but i like the city environment a bit more @ Rip.

So i think its more about preferences. Do you care about the bands on the mainstage, RIP is probably most to your liking. Do you like the bands on the 2nd and 3th stage more, or freedom @ the camping (although that might not be the same as in 2012, now they have banned the agregate) RAR is probably the best choice.

Flapmeth41 hat kommentiert

11.12.2014 18:53 Uhr

Die Toten Hosen eröffnen Rock am Ring 2015



Doesn't that mean they will open the festival? So Friday die toten hosen, Saturday Foo's and Sunday Slipknot (Saturday at fortarock, with lamb of god/motorhead/godsmack/king 810)
In flames plays rock am ring at 05 jun, and rock im park at 06 june.

So friday rar =saterday rip (alterna metal day),
saterday rar =sunday rip
sunday rar = friday rip (main stage metal)

Double head with slipknot and the prodigy would suggest a new timetable for the rar sunday?
Slipknot needs to be the last headliner if the In flames information is right and there is no 4th day. It doesn't fit my expectations, but time will tell if it's right.

*I think my english is still a bit better readable than my german*