Machine Head - The Blackening

Machine Head Forum: Diskussion zum Album The Blackening

eröffnet von Kaan am 12.01.2006 14:18 Uhr
330 Kommentare - zuletzt von FBG

anubis und weitere Nutzer sprechen darüber

12.01.2006 14:18AdminSupporter



Remind me never to write a big question and response thing between December 20th and January 9th again. Between anniversaries, birthdays, Christmas, parties, New Year's, New Year's Day parties, and my modem burning out twice... Christ!

ANYWAY, I’ve read all of your responses, 3 times now, just to make sure I soaked it all in.

I really want thank you guys for taking the time to respond. It was inspiring and refreshing to read what you guys had to say.

I gotta admit, this really helped me in terms of my headspace for the new record. Not that I was in a bad headspace but, sometimes... people put artificial deadlines on you, or expectations on you that are... well, you know... fuckin’ lame. Or I put 'em on myself / we put 'em on ourselves... whatever the case, it was a great read.

What I gathered:

Honest, honest, HONEST! And while you’re at it, try being honest too!

How to describe the new shit?:

Don't describe it as something it's not. Understood.

So what does are new shit sound like?:

Well... it doesn’t sound like Master Of Puppets all that much... at least yet. I guess I’ll try and explain it like this. It’s pretty varied, has elements of all the records, and has a semi-“TTAOE”-ish vibe, and definitely NOT a ‘BME pt. II” vibe. It's not "back to the roots". We have about 4 songs that I think are 80% to 90% there musically (not lyrically), and we have another 9 or 10 parts (intros / bridges / verse with a chorus / half songs) floating about that are definitely NOT there. As of now (Jan. 9th, 2006), we have no "Imperium's" or "Descend The Shade's", and our feeling is that if we can't come up with a new "Imperium" that kicks the old "Imperium's" ass...well...we're just gonna try something else.

Of the 4 songs I'm really excited about, Dave, Phil or myself have written the bulk, and Adam has brought in lyrics and a chunk of riffs too. Even though Phil was there for part of the writing process of TTAOE (and co-wrote 3 songs), Phil being part of the whole writing process is adding another, very cool dimension to it all (as most of you felt it would). In fact, the one song that I'm most excited about, was penned largely by Phil, with me adding some melodic 3-part guitar harmonies / 2-part vocal harmonies in the bridge, plus a Sepultura-style thrash / lead part in the middle, Dave's added some Keith Moon-style drumming in the bridge which sounds crazy, but kicks serious ass, and Adam is hitting some ball-squeezing high notes that will have Rob Halford smiling (...about the high notes, not the ball-squeezing *cough*). Since we don’t have many titles right now, that one I just mentioned is jokingly called “In The Presence Of Davidian Jr.” (mainly for it's mid tempo). The bridge to this song is on some serious U2-gonna-make-you-cry-worthy-ness.

I think most of you will be interested to know that even prior to me reading the things you’ve written, a lot of the lyrics had taken on a more social nature, and a less personal tone (at least for now). They have also taken on a very depressing nature as well - though I don’t know why - it’s just what I’ve been feeling like writing about. The lyrics that I think are really working well are the ones that are the most depressing, including some about suicide, or the idea of suicide.

Of the other songs, “Iron Rush-ian” (as it is called by our manager 'cause it has a Maiden / Rush vibe to it) was the first completed of the 4. We like to call it “Notey Intro / Mega In Chains”. It has a cool up-tempo vibe, a part that reminds me of old-Megadeth a little, big TMTC-era breakdown in the middle, dual leads... it’s rockin’... but has no lyrics.

There’s “Priest Harbor -aka- Victim Of Changes III”, which has an “Elegy”-ish vibe to it, though longer and more complex, it has a very melodic Priest-ish chorus, cool build-ups, and heavy breakdowns, fast parts, leads, harmonies galore, and vox harmonies galore too. Overall it's pretty melodic musically / vocally and I could see RR eyeing this for a single, though at 6 minutes that’ll be a stretch.

The 4th song is jokingly called “The Thrash-terpiece! ”, and it’s what the name implies, fast as all hell, with a full on “Blood For Blood / Struck a Nerve / Bay Area Thrash” vibe to it. Probably the fastest song we’ve written in 10 years, and though it doesn’t sound like it, is probably the most difficult song (guitar-wise) we’ve ever attempted to play (down-picking / million-note mania). Cool, very complex bridge / lead section that takes it in a musically melodic direction, with trade-off leads and harmonies. No singing at all, just hard vox. It’s the one song that is also the most finished lyrically, and the only song with an actual title. It’s called “Aesthetics Of Hate" and it’s my take on neo-con and Dimebag-critic William Grim, and people like him. Some of you may remember that the song “Independent” (Max’s and my song from the RR Utd. album) was very loosely based on the same topic. This is my much more pointed, specific and pissed off take on it.

You’ve probably seen the word “complex” pop up a buncha times, and it’s fitting. It’s musically complex, though it doesn’t sound it, and that seems like a good thing.

The guys have unanimously chosen “your boy here” to Produce the album again, and between TTAOE and my production work on the RR Utd. album, I feel really confident going into this next record.

We took a break for the RR party / holidays and began jamming the other day for the first time in 6 weeks... WHEW... YIKES! To quote Lemmy, “if we practiced next to your house, we would have killed your lawn!” We’ll get back into it though, and I feel like the break did us good, gave us perspective.

One more time guys, I really can’t say enough about how informative, affirming, liberating, and straight up righteous most of the posts were. I was stoked that to a large degree, MH’s modus operandi is, on track with how you’d like us to be, or perceive us to be, and how we’d like to be.

Thanks for the inspiration, and thanks for taking time to shoot me / us your thoughts.

Cheerz fuckers!

- Flynn

Quelle: Rob Flynn im Fanforum The Frontlines *klick*...
gefunden auf:

12.01.2006 14:48

Hell yeah!!! Hoffentlich wirds ein fetter follow up zum überragenden TTAOE!

12.01.2006 14:55

schön, schön!
man darf gespannt sein wann es denn erscheint!?

also den ersten release-termin können wir schon am vergessen, den halten die eh net ein!Smiley

25.08.2006 10:59Supporter

hi Smiley

ich denke, dass folgendes hier am besten aufgehoben ist ...

MH wird zu o.g. Longplayer wohl nochma auf Tour gehen und da dachte ich mir, dass es ja eigentlich gar nicht so stressig wär, mit ryanair nach london in die gute, alte brixton academy zu fliegen Smiley
aber hat jemand ne ahnung wie man da an karten kommt, denn london wird doch bestimmt am ersten tag nach bekanntgabe ausverkauft sein ... Smiley[addsig]

25.08.2006 11:01AdminSupporter

wahrscheinlich per Kreditkarte über nen englischen Online Ticketanbieter wie eventim oder kartenhaus...

aber geil wär das schon, haste recht Smiley


Brixton Academy @

dorthin wird von der Homepage der Brixton Academy verlinkt... Smiley (

zum Versand:

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To pick up this order the card holder must present the card used
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otherwise stated.

also kein Thema mit dem Versand Smiley Selbstabholer an der AK ist natürlich besonders klasse... spart man die 1.65 Pfund Smiley

25.08.2006 11:08Supporter

Smiley thx, kaan!

jetzt muss ich eigentlich nur noch an dem tour-bekanntgabe-tag direkt die tickets kaufen.
wird wohl kein schnäppchen werden, aber egal.

zum vergleich: atreyu & crazyfists 16pfund = ca. 25 € ....

der ganze vorschlag muss natürlich noch nem freund unterbreitet werden, aber wer kann da schon nein sagen?

noch jemand interesse? Smiley[addsig]

25.08.2006 11:44Supporter

klasuren fallen bei mir weg Smiley geldmangel besteht eh immer und sommerurlaub mit sonne, meer etc. wirds wohl auch 2007 nicht geben und datum ist halbwegs egal. WE wäre natürlich genial, aber wir sind ja bekanntlich nicht bei wünsch-dir-was Smiley[addsig]

25.08.2006 15:34


FBG schrieb:
MUnkvayne schrieb:
der titel steht bereits fest!

..... und lautet wie Smiley

wahrscheinlich wird die platte "The Blackening" heissen.

Quelle: off. page

hoffe das stimmt.

25.08.2006 15:36

gut. ich lag nicht falsch.

"Bay Area metal titans Machine Head are set to enter Sharkbite Studios in Oakland, CA on Monday, August 21st to record their newly titled upcoming album, "The Blackening". "


25.08.2006 16:11

also wenn man dem glauben darf was rob flynn in dem diaryeintrag so getextet hat...

3 songs mit einer länge von über 10 minuten is schon heftig. dabei sind auf dem album auch nur 8 songs.

naja bin mal sehr gespannt.*vorfreu*

25.08.2006 16:38Supporter

mkay, so 10min-songs ist eigetnlich auch nicht meine sache. aber gut, machine fucking head darf das.


wie lang dauert das zwischen studiogang und release Smiley 6monateSmiley


26.08.2006 11:57


FBG schrieb:
wie lang dauert das zwischen studiogang und release 6monate

ich glaube gelesen zu haben, dass die anfang 2007 veröffentlichen wollen. bei Machine Head könnte das dann aber vorm ring noch knapp werden.
die halten das mit den release terminen wie die deutsche bahn mit ihren ankunftszeiten. keine garantie.

26.08.2006 12:16

naja das ding soll früh 07 erscheinen. denke mal bis zum ring is das schon 3 monate draußenSmiley

24.09.2006 22:27


Helmut-Seubert schrieb:
Das wird zu knapp fürn Ring, die spielen erst ne US Tour.
Ich rechne im Herbst mit Deutschland Konzerten

die jungs können ja auch in europa die festivals mitnehmen und danach nochma kommen, so wie viele andere bands auch!

24.09.2006 22:39


Helmut-Seubert schrieb:
Das wird zu knapp fürn Ring, die spielen erst ne US Tour.
Ich rechne im Herbst mit Deutschland Konzerten

sei dir mal mit ner grossen US-tour nicht so sicher. der grösste teil der fans lebt in europa. kann gut sein, dass die hier sogar schon sehr früh touren.

24.09.2006 22:42


Frosty schrieb:

sei dir mal mit ner grossen US-tour nicht so sicher. der grösste teil der fans lebt in europa. kann gut sein, dass die hier sogar schon sehr früh touren.


genau! in good old europe sind die harren um einiges erfolgreicher als drüben. wird sich aber mit sicherheit mit der nächsten platte ändern. denn diesmal kommt kein terroranschlag dazwischen und das label steht ebenfalls (RR).Smiley

25.09.2006 09:18Supporter

wen interessiert denn die USA, das einzigste wo drauf es ankommt sind die konzerte in der Brixton Academy, am Ring, im Luxemburger Artelier und vllt. sogar in der Saarbrücker Garage. Smiley Smiley

4x MH in einem jahr, das wär was ... SmileySmiley

btw. admins: kann ma jemand den fred-titel in Machine Head - The Blackening umbenennen .... ?![addsig]

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